Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Fairtrade Campaign Site

We are campaigning in the borough to promote awareness of Fairtrade, and sales of products so that producers across the world can earn a better deal from trade, and work towards a sustainable future.

There are over 454 towns across the UK, including most of London's Boroughs, running local Fairtrade campaigns. Together we can make a massive difference - helping small farmers and workers to improve their communities, run better businesses and give their kids more opportunities in life.

We need to meet 5 goals to succeed in our campaign:
1. Win the support of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, including a motion in the council
2. Reach our target for shops and cafes selling and serving Fairtrade products
3. Reach out to the wider community and win their support (eg schools, faith groups, local businesses, social groups etc)
4. Provide evidence of active campaigning eg. website, shopping directory, media coverage, event organisation
5. Establish a steering group to oversee the campaign, including a council rep and other community groups.

Please join us!

5 February 2012

Will K&C Take A Step for Fairtrade in 2012?

A small, but growing band of local residents are determined to make 2012 the year we get things moving in Kensington and Chelsea borough.

Our Take A Step in 2012 campaign will kick off at Whole Foods Market on Sat 3 & 10 March 2012. With support from the lovely Ginny Kopacz in the Community Relations team at Whole Foods, we're holding 2 stalls from 11-4pm each day - to hand out information, stickers, delicious Fairtrade product samples, and also sign up people to help with our campaign.

Please do come down and show your support.

Can you help? We need volunteers for both days on our stall! Email us at if you can, or alternatively post to our Facebook page